Arklan Public School Special Initiatives
Student Electives
Once a month, students participate in "Student Electives" during the last learning block of the day. Students select an activity of interest to them and collaborate and participate with students from various grades; engaging in a fun, learning experience. Some of the electives include: yoga, board games, fitness workouts, coding/computer skills, music activities; just to name a few.
Intramurals and Sports Teams
Our Wildcats have the opportunity to participate in many sports, both on a school team and/or intramural opportunity. Some of the sports offered at Arklan include: Cross Country, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Handball.
Our Intramural sports consist of various collaborative games in addtion to traditional sports.

Student Council
Students in Grades 5 and 6 can decide to run for Student Council. Members of Student Council help organize school-wide activities, Character Always assemblies, read morning announcements.